The study on the hidden environmental consequences of tax havens gained a lot of attention in the media. Coverage included The Guardian, El País and Le Monde. See links below for more examples of media coverage.

International Consortium of Investigative Journalists: “New study raises red flags on tax haven role in environmental destruction”  (13 August, 2018)

The Guardian: “Tax havens shielding companies responsible for deforestation and overfishing”  (13 August, 2018)


El País: “Los paraísos fiscales perjudican al medio ambiente” (13 August, 2018)

Le Monde: “Une étude montre les liens entre paradis fiscaux et dégradation environnementale” (13 August, 2018)

Morgenpost: “Steueroasen begünstigen Ausbeutung der Natur” (13 August, 2018)

The Times: “Most illegal fishing boats linked to tax havens” (13 August, 2018)

Watch a clip from Swedish TV4 (in Swedish, below) featuring Victor Galaz in an interview about the links between tax havens, the Amazon sleeping giant and other key biomes of the global commons.